
There can't be a year without the poular senior get-togethers where there is a chance for our collegues to meet and get to know about the changes and actualities in Petrolszolg.

The events was held in three different places is Százhalomatta, Tiszaújváros and Szeged. In Százhalombatta we invite our guests in the Halászcsárda where Csaba Sóti greeted the 44 collegues. During the evening there were presentations and short films about the past and recent MOL works and company life to entertain our guests.

In Szeged Gusztáv Tódor greeted the senior collegues the Csaba Sóti held a presentation about the recent Petrolszolg works.

The event in Tiszaújváros october 9 Róbert Kertész held the welcome speech at the Nádas Csárda where the most popular moment of the evening was the delightful dinner.

We showed our kindness to our senio collegues with a handmade bonbon made for just them.
