
2015. december 15. 14:00 - Doroszlai Beáta


The IAESTE (International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience) Organization of Hungarian Engineering Students held the national engineering competition for the third time this year 2015.

At the competition there were teams of mechenical engineers, IT and electric engineers. The mechanical section was supported by MOL and GE. In the MOL side two collegues from Petrolszolg Adrián Nagy-Hinst and Csaba Sóti assambled the tasks and evaluated the results.

At the mechanical category there were 22 teams at the inline semifinal and the best 8 teams gained the access to go to the final. The finals was held in the University of Óbuda. The first and second day of the three day long event was for the creations and the third was for the contest. Based on the oil industry task the competitors should build a 1 meter high torch tower with limited materials and devices to bear the operational wind load test.

To test the finished torch towers a test bench was build where they measure the weight load belongs to the 20 mm buckling at the top of the fixed towers. According to the summarization of MOL and GE the team Meha Bojz won the first prize with members of Attila Genda, Tamás Farkas and András Kalapos mechetronic students of the BME.

The second team was elMECHArcosok and the third was Paradicsom.

According to the online and final scores the members of elMECHArcosok gained the special reward the digital calipers.

The team members Me6alma, Pék, Ságvári, Solvers and Csavarfejek got a reward for their great performance.

As a surpirise MOL got a plaque from IAESTE for the sponsoring activity and the good job they done.

The torch towers with the test bench and the prototype „Fekete mamba" was exhibited in the hall of the MOL Danube Refinery central building. The competitors will got the torch towers in January 2016.

The team NullReferenceException scored the first place at IT.

The winner at the electrical category was team NehézKérdés.

